Система управления молочным хозяйством


Вскрытие НАЧАЛО

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Система управления молочным хозяйством



Head Removal

If the animal had any symptoms of neurologic disease, i.e. circling, blind staggers, head pressing, etc.., have your veterinarian perform the necropsy. If it is not possible for a veterinarian to perform the necropsy right away, remove the head and cool for examination by a veterinarian at a later time.

To remove the head, extend it back and cut the muscles of the neck directly behind the jaw. You should come to where the first vertebra (bones of the spine) attaches to the skull. Cut away all attachments and transect (cut) the spinal cord. The hide and the muscles above the vertebrae should now be cut, freeing the head from the body.

This drawing depicts where the hide should be cut in order to remove the head.
Cut through the muscles of the neck until you reach the spinal canal, as seen in the photos below.

Transect the spinal cord and cut through the connective tissue between the bones of the head and neck. Completely remove the head by cutting through the remaining muscles and the hide.

Click on the photo to the left to view transection of the spinal cord.

Once you remove the head you should put it into a cooler until a veterinarian can remove the brain and examine it for abnormalities.

